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Elliptic Curve Keys Management

Create, destroy, import, export elliptic curve key pairs.

ckms ec keys <COMMAND>


Create a new X25519 key pair.

  • The public is used to encrypt and can be safely shared.
  • The private key is used to decrypt and must be kept secret.


ckms ec keys create [OPTIONS]


-t, --tag <TAG>
        The tag to associate with the master key pair.
        To specify multiple tags, use the option multiple times
-h, --help
        Print help (see a summary with '-h')


Export a key from the KMS.

The key is exported in JSON KMIP TTLV format unless the --bytes option is specified, in which case the key bytes are exported without metadata, such as

  • the links between the keys in a pair
  • other metadata: policies, etc.

Key bytes are sufficient to perform local encryption or decryption.

The key can be wrapped or unwrapped when exported. If nothing is specified, it is returned as it is stored. Wrapping a key that is already wrapped is an error. Unwrapping a key that is not wrapped is ignored and returns the unwrapped key.


ckms ec keys export [OPTIONS] <KEY_FILE>


        The file to export the key to


-k, --key-id <KEY_ID>
        The key unique identifier stored in the KMS.
        If not specified, tags should be specified

-t, --tag <TAG>
        Tag to use to retrieve the key when no key id is specified.
        To specify multiple tags, use the option multiple times

-b, --bytes
        Export the key bytes only

-u, --unwrap
        Unwrap the key if it is wrapped before export

-w, --wrap-key-id <WRAP_KEY_ID>
        The id of key/certificate to use to wrap this key before export

-i, --allow-revoked
        Allow exporting revoked and destroyed keys. The user must be the owner of the key. Destroyed keys have their key material removed

-h, --help
        Print help (see a summary with '-h')


Import a key in the KMS.

The key must be in KMIP JSON TTLV format. When no key unique id is specified, a random UUID v4 is generated.

The key can be wrapped when imported. Wrapping using:

  • a password or a supplied key in base64 is done locally
  • a symmetric key id is performed server-side

A password is first converted to a 256-bit key using Argon 2. Wrapping is performed according to RFC 5649.

Tags can later be used to retrieve the key. Tags are optional.


ckms ec keys import [OPTIONS] <KEY_FILE> [KEY_ID]


        The KMIP JSON TTLV key file

        The unique id of the key; a random UUID v4 is generated if not specified


-u, --unwrap
        Unwrap the object if it is wrapped before storing it

-r, --replace
        Replace an existing key under the same id

-t, --tag <TAG>
        The tag to associate with the key.
        To specify multiple tags, use the option multiple times

-h, --help
        Print help (see a summary with '-h')


Locally wrap a key in KMIP JSON TTLV format.

The key can be wrapped using either:

  • a password derived into a symmetric key using Argon2
  • symmetric key bytes in base64
  • a key in the KMS (which will be exported first)
  • a key in a KMIP JSON TTLV file

For the latter 2 cases, the key may be a symmetric key, and RFC 5649 will be used, or a curve 25519 public key and ECIES will be used.


ckms ec keys wrap [OPTIONS] <KEY_FILE_IN> [KEY_FILE_OUT]


        The KMIP JSON TTLV input key file to wrap

        The KMIP JSON output file. When not specified the input file is overwritten


-p, --wrap-password <WRAP_PASSWORD>
        A password to wrap the imported key

-k, --wrap-key-b64 <WRAP_KEY_B64>
        A symmetric key as a base 64 string to wrap the imported key

-i, --wrap-key-id <WRAP_KEY_ID>
        The id of a wrapping key in the KMS that will be exported and used to wrap the key

-f, --wrap-key-file <WRAP_KEY_FILE>
        A wrapping key in a KMIP JSON TTLV file used to wrap the key

-h, --help
        Print help (see a summary with '-h')


Locally unwrap a key in KMIP JSON TTLV format.

The key can be unwrapped using either:

  • a password derived into a symmetric key using Argon2
  • symmetric key bytes in base64
  • a key in the KMS (which will be exported first)
  • a key in a KMIP JSON TTLV file

For the latter 2 cases, the key may be a symmetric key, and RFC 5649 will be used, or a curve 25519 private key and ECIES will be used.


ckms ec keys unwrap [OPTIONS] <KEY_FILE_IN> [KEY_FILE_OUT]


        The KMIP JSON TTLV input key file to unwrap

        The KMIP JSON output file. When not specified the input file is overwritten


-p, --unwrap-password <UNWRAP_PASSWORD>
        A password to unwrap the imported key

-k, --unwrap-key-b64 <UNWRAP_KEY_B64>
        A symmetric key as a base 64 string to unwrap the imported key

-i, --unwrap-key-id <UNWRAP_KEY_ID>
        The id of a unwrapping key in the KMS that will be exported and used to unwrap the key

-f, --unwrap-key-file <UNWRAP_KEY_FILE>
        A unwrapping key in a KMIP JSON TTLV file used to unwrap the key

-h, --help
        Print help (see a summary with '-h')


Revoke a public or private key.

Once a key is revoked, it can only be exported by the owner of the key, using the –allow-revoked flag on the export function.

Revoking a public or private key will revoke the whole key pair (the two keys need to be stored in the KMS).


ckms ec keys revoke [OPTIONS] <REVOCATION_REASON>


        The reason for the revocation as a string


-k, --key-id <KEY_ID>
        The key unique identifier of the key to revoke.
        If not specified, tags should be specified

-t, --tag <TAG>
        Tag to use to retrieve the key when no key id is specified.
        To specify multiple tags, use the option multiple times

-h, --help
        Print help (see a summary with '-h')


Destroy a public or private key.

The key must have been revoked first.

When a key is destroyed, it can only be exported by the owner of the key, and without its key material

Destroying a public or private key will destroy the whole key pair when the two keys are stored in the KMS.


ckms ec keys destroy [OPTIONS]


-k, --key-id <KEY_ID>
        The key unique identifier of the key to revoke.
        If not specified, tags should be specified

-t, --tag <TAG>
        Tag to use to retrieve the key when no key id is specified.
        To specify multiple tags, use the option multiple times

-h, --help
        Print help (see a summary with '-h')


Print the help message or the help of the given subcommand(s).

ckms ec keys help [SUBCOMMAND]
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