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Covercrypt Policy Management

Extract or view policies of existing keys, and create a binary policy from specifications.

ckms cc policy <COMMAND>


Create a policy binary file from policy specifications.

ckms cc policy create [OPTIONS] -s <SPECIFICATIONS_FILE> -p <OUTPUT_FILE>

The policy specifications must be passed as a JSON in a file, for example:

        "Security Level::<": [
                "Top Secret::+"
        "Department": [

These specifications create a policy where:

  • the policy is defined with 2 policy axes: Security Level and Department
  • the Security Level axis is hierarchical as indicated by the ::< suffix,
  • the Security Level axis has 3 possible values: Protected, Confidential, and Top Secret,
  • the Department axis has 4 possible values: R&D, HR, MKG, and FIN,
  • all partitions which are Top Secret will be encrypted using post-quantum hybridized cryptography, as indicated by the ::+ suffix on the value,
  • all other partitions will use classic cryptography.


 ckms cc policy create [OPTIONS]


  -s, --specifications <POLICY_SPECIFICATIONS_FILE>
          The policy specifications filename.
          The policy is expressed as a JSON object describing the Policy axes.
          See the documentation for details

          [default: policy_specifications.json]

  -p, --policy <POLICY_BINARY_FILE>
          The output binary policy file generated from the specifications file

          [default: policy.bin]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')


View the policy of an existing public or private master key.

ckms cc policy view [OPTIONS]
  • Use the --key-id switch to extract the policy from a key stored in the KMS.
  • Use the --key-file switch to extract rhe policy from a Key exported as TTLV.


 ckms cc policy view [OPTIONS]


  -i, --key-id <KEY_ID>
          The public or private master key ID if the key is stored in the KMS

  -f, --key-file <KEY_FILE>
          If `key-id` is not provided, the file containing the public or private master key in TTLV format

  -d, --detailed
          Show all the policy details rather than just the specifications

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')


Extract the policy specifications from a public or private master key to a policy specifications file.

ckms cc policy specs [OPTIONS]
  • Use the --key-id switch to extract the policy from a key stored in the KMS.
  • Use the --key-file switch to extract the policy from a Key exported as TTLV.


 ckms cc policy specs [OPTIONS]


  -i, --key-id <KEY_ID>
          The public or private master key ID if the key is stored in the KMS

  -f, --key-file <KEY_FILE>
          If `key-id` is not provided, the file containing the public or private master key in JSON TTLV format

  -s, --specifications <POLICY_SPECS_FILE>
          The output policy specifications file

          [default: policy_specifications.json]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')


Extract the policy from a public or private master key to a policy binary file.

ckms cc policy binary [OPTIONS]
  • Use the --key-id switch to extract the policy from a key stored in the KMS.
  • Use the --key-file switch to extract the policy from a Key exported as TTLV.


 ckms cc policy binary [OPTIONS]


  -i, --key-id <KEY_ID>
          The public or private master key ID if the key is stored in the KMS

  -f, --key-file <KEY_FILE>
          If `key-id` is not provided, the file containing the public or private master key in TTLV format

  -p, --policy <POLICY_BINARY_FILE>
          The output binary policy file

          [default: policy.bin]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')


Print the help message or the help of the given subcommand(s).

ckms cc policy help [SUBCOMMAND]
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