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Secure bootstrap of the KMS server start

It is possible to bootstrap the KMS server start, to avoid specifying sensitive information in plain text on the command line.

When bootstrapped, the KMS server will first expose a TLS connection allowing configuration of the database and provision of the PKCS#12 configuring the KMS server HTTPS port. Once done, the KMS server will start with the supplied configuration.

When running in a zero-trust environment inside a confidential VM, the bootstrap server provides the ability to configure the KMS without ever exposing sensitive configuration information in plain text to the environment administrators.

bootstrap server usage graph

Starting in bootstrap mode

To start the KMS server in bootstrap mode, use the --use-bootstrap-server option:

docker run -p 9998:9998 --name kms \

This will start an initial bootstrap server exposing a TLS connection on port 9998. The TLS connection is configured with a self-signed certificate. Two options can be used to further configure the bootstrap server TLS connection:

  • --bootstrap-server-common-name <BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_COMMON_NAME> to specify the common name of the bootstrap server self-signed certificate. The default value is cosmian.kms.

  • --bootstrap-server-port <BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_PORT> to specify the bootstrap server TLS port. The default value is 9998. When changed, the docker port mapping must be updated accordingly.

Running inside a confidential VM

When running in a zero-trust environment inside a confidential VM, the bootstrap server should be started with the --ensure-ra-tls option. This will ensure that the bootstrap server self-signed TLS certificate contains information (a quote) that will enable the ckms client to verify the correctness of the environment (correct confidential hardware and correct KMS server code). Such server certificate is called an “RA TLS certificate” where RA stands for “Remote Attestation”.

If the ensure-ra-tls option is enabled on a machine that does not have a confidential CPU, the bootstrap server will fail to start.

Available configurations

  • Database: A database must be configured for the KMS server to start. If parameters have been passed on the command line, they will be overridden by those passed to the bootstrap server.

  • HTTPS port: The HTTPS port of the KMS server can be configured using a PKCS#12 file containing the certificate and private key to use for the HTTPS port. If parameters have been passed on the command line, they will be overridden by those passed to the bootstrap server. Specifying a PKCS#12 file is not mandatory. If none is specified, the KMS server will start in plain HTTP mode. When running in a zero-trust environment, a PKCS#12 file should always be provided to start the KMS in HTTPS mode, inside the confidential VM.

Configuring using the ckms CLI

Using the ckms CLI, both the database and KMS server HTTPS port can be configured in a single instruction using the ckms bootstrap-start command.

For example:

ckms bootstrap-start \
  --database-type redis-findex \
  --database-url redis://redis-server:6379 \
  --redis-master-password master-password \
  --redis-findex-label label \
  --https-p12-file ./crate/cli/test_data/certificates/ -\
  --https-p12-password p12-password

To contact the bootstrap server, ckms uses the bootstrap_server_url value configured in the ~/.cosmian/kms.json configuration file. If the URL is not specified, the kms_server_url is used, replacing http with https if need be.

Check the ckms documentation for details.

Configuring using HTTPS POSTs

The configuration can be passed to the bootstrap server using successive HTTPS POSTs followed by a final POST on the /start endpoint to start the KMS server.

Using curl to POST to the bootstrap server

The following examples use curl to POST to the bootstrap server. When using curl to POST to the bootstrap server, the -k option must be used to disable certificate validation since the bootstrap server TLS certificate is self-signed.

DB: Redis (with Findex)

To use Redis with Findex as the database, a JSON POST of

  • the database URL
  • the Redis master password
  • the Findex label

to the /redis-findex endpoint must be performed:

 curl -k -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -d '{"url": "redis://redis-server:6379", "master_password":"password","findex_label":"label"}' \
DB: PostgreSQL

To use PostgreSQL as the database, a JSON POST of the database URL to the /postgresql endpoint must be performed:

curl -k -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"url": "postgresql://postgres-server:5432"}' https://kms-server:9998/postgresql
DB: Mysql or MariaDB

To use Mysql or MariaDB as the database, a JSON POST of the database URL to the /mysql endpoint must be performed:

curl -k -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"url": "mysql://mysql-server:3306"}' https://kms-server:9998/mysql
DB: SQLite

To use SQLite as the database, a JSON POST of the database file path to the /sqlite endpoint must be performed:

curl -k -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"path": "/cosmian-kms/sqlite-data"}' https://kms-server:9998/sqlite
DB: SQLite - client-side encrypted

To use client-side encrypted SQLite databases, a JSON POST of the database directory path to the /sqlite-ec endpoint must be performed:

curl -k -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"path": "/cosmian-kms/sqlite-data"}' https://kms-server:9998/sqlite-enc
PKCS#12: File

To start a KMS with an HTTPS port, the PKCS#12 file containing the certificate and private key to use must be uploaded to the /pkcs12 endpoint. The PKCS#12 file must be uploaded using a multipart/form-data POST request with the file field containing the PKCS#12 file and a content-type header with value application/octet-stream.

curl -k -F name=pkcs12 -F file=@kms-server.p12 https://kms-server:9998/pkcs12
PKCS#12: password

If the PKCS#12 file is password protected (i.e. has a non-empty password), the password must be uploaded to the /pkcs12-password endpoint.

curl -k -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"password": "PKCS12password"}' https://kms-server:9998/pkcs12-password
Start the KMS server

Once the database and PKCS#12 file have been configured, the KMS server can be started by sending a JSON POST to the /start endpoint:

 curl -k -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"clear_database": false}' https://localhost:9998/start

The clear_database parameter is optional and defaults to false. When set to true, the database will be cleared before starting the KMS server.

If the configuration is invalid (missing database parameters, invalid PKCS#12 password), the bootstrap server will return a 400 error with a JSON body containing the error message and wait for a new configuration to be POSTed.

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