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Covercrypt Commands

Manage Covercrypt keys and policies. Rotate attributes. Encrypt and decrypt data.

ckms cc <COMMAND>


Create, destroy, import, export Covercrypt master and user keys.

ckms cc keys [SUBCOMMAND]


create-master-key-pair  Create a new master key pair for a given policy and return the key IDs.
create-user-key         Create a new user decryption key given an access policy expressed as a boolean expression.
export                  Export a key from the KMS
import                  Import a key in the KMS.
wrap                    Locally wrap a key in KMIP JSON TTLV format.
unwrap                  Locally unwrap a key in KMIP JSON TTLV format.
revoke                  Revoke a Covercrypt master or user decryption key
destroy                 Destroy a Covercrypt master or user decryption key
help                    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

> view subcommands details


Extract or view policies of existing keys, create a binary policy from specifications.

ckms cc policy [SUBCOMMAND]


create-master-key-pair  Create a new master key pair for a given policy and return the key IDs.
create-user-key         Create a new user decryption key given an access policy expressed as a boolean expression.
export                  Export a key from the KMS
import                  Import a key in the KMS.
wrap                    Locally wrap a key in KMIP JSON TTLV format.
unwrap                  Locally unwrap a key in KMIP JSON TTLV format.
revoke                  Revoke a Covercrypt master or user decryption key
destroy                 Destroy a Covercrypt master or user decryption key
help                    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

> view subcommands details


Rotate attributes and rekey the master and user keys.

Data encrypted with the rotated attributes cannot be decrypted by user decryption keys unless they have been re-keyed.

Active user decryption keys are automatically re-keyed. Revoked or destroyed user decryption keys are not re-keyed.

User keys that have not been rekeyed can still decrypt data encrypted with the old attribute values.


 ckms cc rotate <SECRET_KEY_ID> <ATTRIBUTES>...


        The private master key unique identifier stored in the KMS

        The policy attributes to rotate.
        Example: `department::marketing level::confidential`


-h, --help
        Print help (see a summary with '-h')


Encrypt a file using Covercrypt.

Note: this is not a streaming call: the file is entirely loaded in memory before being sent for encryption.




        The file to encrypt

        The identifier public key unique identifier stored in the KMS

        The encryption policy to encrypt the file with
        Example: "department::marketing && level::confidential"`


-o, --output-file <OUTPUT_FILE>
        The encrypted output file path

-a, --authentication-data <AUTHENTICATION_DATA>
        Optional authentication data.
        This data needs to be provided back for decryption

-h, --help
        Print help (see a summary with '-h')


Decrypt a file using Covercrypt.

Note: this is not a streaming call: the file is entirely loaded in memory before being sent for decryption.


ckms cc decrypt [OPTIONS] <FILE> <USER_KEY_ID>


        The file to decrypt

        The identifier of the user decryption key stored in the KMS


-o, --output-file <OUTPUT_FILE>
        The encrypted output file path

-a, --authentication-data <AUTHENTICATION_DATA>
        Optional authentication data that was supplied during encryption

-h, --help
        Print help (see a summary with '-h')


Print the help message or the help of the given subcommand(s).

ckms cc help [SUBCOMMAND]
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