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Getting Started

Cosmian KMS can be managed using the ckms command line interface (CLI) or its graphical client ckms_gui.

Download ckms and ckms_gui

Please download the latest versions for your Operating System from the Cosmian public packages repository

Configuring the clients

Both clients - and the PKCS#11 provider library - expect a configuration file to be located at ~/.cosmian/kms.jsonwhere ~ is your home folder.

An alternate location can be used by setting the KMS_CLI_CONF_ENV environment variable.

A minimum configuration file is created automatically when the CLI is used for the first time with the following values

  "kms_server_url": "http://localhost:9998"

The configuration file should be edited manually to reflect the actual configuration of the KMS.

  • kms_server_url is MANDATORY and is the URL of the KMS server
  • kms_access_token is OPTIONAL and is the access token used to authenticate to the KMS server.
  • ssl_client_pkcs12_path: is OPTIONAL and is the path to the PKCS12 file containing the client certificate and private key to use when authenticating to a KMS server using a certificate.
  • ssl_client_pkcs12_password: is OPTIONAL and is the password to open the PKCS12 file when authenticating to the KMS server using a certificate.
  • kms_database_secret is OPTIONAL and is the base 64 encoded secret to use when connecting to a KMS using an encrypted database
  • accept_invalid_certs is OPTIONAL and should be set to “true” to allow the CLI to connect to a KMS using an “invalid” certificate, such as a self-signed SSL certificate. Useful to run tests with a self-signed certificate.
  • verified_cert contains the verified PEM TLS certificate used for certificate pinning
  • kms_database_secret is OPTIONAL and is the base 64 encoded secret to use when connecting to a KMS using a client-side encrypted database

Here is an example configuration with TLS authentication and a client-side encrypted database:

  "kms_server_url": "",
  "ssl_client_pkcs12_path": "./certificates/john.doe.acme.p12",
  "ssl_client_pkcs12_password": "pkcs12_password",
  "kms_database_secret": "eyJncm91cF9pZCI6MjkzMjY3MjM2NDU3ODgyMjIzMjM0NDY2MjkxNTY2NDk5Nzc0NTk1LCJrZXkiOlsyMTgsNDIsMTkzLDE4Myw1OSwyMzQsMTY3LDE3Niw4OCwxNjYsMjUyLDYyLDk5LDU4LDM0LDUxLDE1Nyw5NiwyMjEsMjE1LDIwMSwxOTcsODYsOTksMTI1LDIxMSw2Niw0MCw0MiwyNDYsMTgzLDg1XX0="


Usage examples of the CLI are provided with descriptions of the various KMIP 2.1 operations.

The GUI version offers the same features as the CLI, but with a graphical user interface.

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