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Utimaco General Purpose

This solution works on Linux (x86_64) and has been validated against the Utimaco client library version 6.0.

Utimaco library setup

This solution works on Linux (x64_86) and has been validated against the Utimaco library version 6.0.

The KMS expects:

  • the Utimaco cs_pkcs11_R3 library to be installed in /lib/
  • the Utimaco configuration file cs_pkcs11_R3.cfg to be in /etc/utimaco and
  • and the environment variable CS_PKCS11_R3_CF to point to it, i.e.,
export CS_PKCS11_R3_CFG=/etc/utimaco/cs_pkcs11_R3.cfg

Please make sure the cs_pkcs11_R3.cfg is set with the correct parameter, and validate your installation with the p11tool2 utility, by running, for instance,

./p11tool2 Slot=0 GetSlotInfo

KMS configuration

At least one slot and its corresponding password must be configured. Any slot and any number of slots may be used.

When using the TOML configuration file, the HSM support is enabled by configuring these 4 parameters:

hsm_model = "utimaco"
hsm_admin = "<HSM_ADMIN_USERNAME>" # defaults to "admin"
hsm_slot = [0, 0, ] # example [0,4] for slots 0 and 4
hsm_password = ["<password>", "<password>", ] # example ["pass0", "pass4"] for slots 0 and 4

Even if only one slot is used, the hsm_slot and hsm_password parameters must be arrays.

When the KMS is started from the command line, the HSM support can be enabled by using the following arguments:

--hsm-model "utimaco" \
--hsm-admin "<HSM_ADMIN_USERNAME>"  \
--hsm-slot <number_of_1st_slot> --hsm-password <password_of_1st_slot> \
--hsm-slot <number_of_2and_slot> --hsm-password <password_of_2and_slot>

The hsm-model parameter is the HSM model to be used; use utimaco.

The hsm-admin parameter is the username of the HSM administrator. The HSM administrator is the only user that can create objects on the HSM via the KMIP Create operation the delegate other operations to other users. (see below)

The hsm-slot and hsm-password parameters are the slot number and user password of the HSM slots to be used by the KMS. These arguments can be repeated multiple times to specify multiple slots.

Using the simulator

Utimaco provides a simulator that can be used in lieu of a physical HSM to test your installation. The simulator is a 32-bit Linux i386 library (it also exists as a Windows binary).

To install the simulator on a Debian based (e.g. Ubuntu) Linux amd64/x86_64, follow these general steps.

  1. Enable 32 bit support

    sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386


    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386
  2. Start the simulator

    In <eval-bundle-6.0.0>\Software\Windows\Simulator\sim5_windows\bin, run

    .\bl_sim5.exe -h -o -d ..\devices\
  3. Make sure the Device in cs_pkcs11_R3.cfg points to the simulator.

  4. Initialize a slot and create the Security Officer and User pins.

    Due to a bug (?) in the simulator, the Security Officer PIN must be set then changed before the User PIN can be set, and then changed as well.

    # Set the SO PIN to 11223344
    ./p11tool2 Slot=0 login=ADMIN,./key/ADMIN_SIM.key  InitToken=11223344
    # Change the SO PIN to 12345678
    ./p11tool2 Slot=0 LoginSO=11223344 SetPin=11223344,12345678

    Failing to change the SO PIN before setting the User PIN will result in the following error: Error 0x000001B8 ( CKR_PIN_TOO_WEAK)

    # Set the User PIN to 11223344
    ./p11tool2 Slot=0 LoginSO=12345678 InitPin=11223344
    # Change the User PIN to 12345678
    ./p11tool2 Slot=0 LoginUser=11223344 SetPin=11223344,12345678

    Now, both the SO and User PINs have been set to 12345678.

    To list objects on Slot 0, use:

    ./p11tool2 Slot=0 LoginUser=12345678 ListObjects

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