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Authenticating users to the server

The KMS server can start in authenticated or non-authenticated mode (the default).

Non-authenticated mode

In non-authenticated mode, the server maps all requests to the default user, configured using the --default-username option (or the KMS_DEFAULT_USERNAME environment variable). This user will default to admin if not set.

--default-username <DEFAULT_USERNAME>
    The default username to use when no authentication method is provided

    [default: admin]

Authenticated mode

In authenticated mode, the server requires authentication for all requests. The authentication method can be either (one of them is enough):

  • a TLS client certificate and the server will extract the username from the certificate’s subject common name (CN)
  • or using native TLS combined with Open ID-compliant JWT access tokens or TLS client certificates. The server extracts from the JWT token the username from the token’s subject (sub) claim
  • an API token passed in the Authorization header configured both at the client and server side (the user being default-username)

The server can be configured to use multiple authentication methods concurrently:

  • if the server is started with TLS client certificate authentication, the client MUST provide a valid certificate issued by the authority certificate provided by the server ;
  • if server only provides JWT and API token authentication, client MUST provide a valid JWT token OR an API token in the Authorization header. Server will first try to authenticate using the JWT token, then the API token if JWT token is not provided.

At the end, if the --force-default-username option (or the KMS_FORCE_DEFAULT_USERNAME environment variable) is set, the server still performs the authentication but maps all requests to the default username.

Authenticating using TLS client certificates

The server must be started using TLS, and the certificate used to verify the clients’ certificate must be provided in PEM format using the --authority-cert-file option.

Example client TLS authentication.

docker run -p 9998:9998 --name kms \
    --https-p12-file kms.server.p12  --https-p12-password password \
    --authority-cert-file verifier.cert.pem

The server extracts the username from the client certificate’s subject common name (CN) unless the --force-default-username option (or the KMS_FORCE_DEFAULT_USERNAME environment variable) is set, in which case the server uses the default username.

Authenticating using JWT access tokens

The server supports JWT access tokens which are compatible with Open ID Connect.

The server validates the JWT tokens signatures using the token issuer JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) that is pulled on server start.

The JWT token

The JWT token must be passed to the endpoints of the KMS server using the HTTP Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>

The JWT token should contain the following claims:

  • iss: The issuer of the token. This should be the authorization server URL.
  • sub: The subject of the token. This should be the email address of the user.
  • aud: The audience of the token. OPTIONAL: this should be identical to the one set on the KMS server.
  • exp: The expiration time of the token. This should be a timestamp in the future.
  • iat: The time the token was issued. This should be a timestamp in the past.

On the cosmian command line interface, the token is configured in the client configuration. Please refer to the Cosmian CLI for more details.

Configuring the KMS server for JWT authentication

The KMS server JWT authentication is configured using three command line options (or corresponding environment variables):

Example of JWT Configuration

Below is an example of a JWT configuration for the KMS server using Google as the authorization server.

docker run -p 9998:9998 --name kms \
    --jwt-issuer-uri= \
    --jwks-uri= \
JWT issuer URI

The issuer URI of the JWT token is called to validate the token signature.

  • server option: --jwt-issuer-uri <JWT_ISSUER_URI>
  • env. variable: KMS_JWT_ISSUER_URI=[<JWT_ISSUER_URI>]

The optional JWKS (JSON Web Key Set) URI of the JWT token is called to retrieve the keyset on server start. Defaults to <jwt-issuer-uri>/.well-known/jwks.json if not set.

  • server option: --jwks-uri <JWKS_URI>
  • env. variable: KMS_JWKS_URI=[<JWKS_URI>]
JWT audience

The KMS server validates the JWT aud claim against this value if set

  • server option: --jwt-audience <JWT_AUDIENCE>
  • env. variable: KMS_JWT_AUDIENCE=[<JWT_AUDIENCE>]

Support for concurrent Identity Providers

The Cosmian KMS server supports concurrent identity providers. To handle multiple identity providers concurrently, repeat each parameter (jwt-issuer-uri, jwks-uri and optionally jwt-audience), keeping them in the same order.


--jwt-issuer-uri= \
--jwks-uri= \
--jwt-audience=cosmian_kms \
--jwt-issuer-uri=<TENANT_ID>/discovery/v2.0/ \
--jwks-uri=<TENANT_ID>/discovery/v2.0/keys \

Common Identity Providers

Google ID tokens

Use the following options to configure the KMS server for Google ID tokens:


Use the following options to configure the KMS server for Auth0:


Note: the / is mandatory at the end of the issuer URL; if not present the iss will not validate

Google Firebase

Use the following options to configure the KMS server for Google Firebase:

--jwks-uri=[email protected]

Use the following options to configure the KMS server for Okta:

Microsoft Entra ID

Use the following options to configure the KMS server for Microsoft Entra ID:


Authenticating using an API Token

The server can be configured to authenticate using an API token passed in the Authorization header.

To proceed, follow these steps:

  • run Cosmian KMS server without API token authentication
  • generate a symmetric key and export it from the server
  • restart the server with the --api-token-id option
  • configure cosmian client with a access_token containing the API token in base64.

To generate a new API token, use the cosmian CLI and save the symmetric key unique identifier (< SYMMETRIC_KEY_ID>):

cosmian kms sym keys create

Then export the symmetric key content in base64:

cosmian kms sym keys export -k <SYMMETRIC_KEY_ID> f base64 api_token.base64

Reconfigure cosmian client with the previous base64 encoded key as access_token. Your cosmian is now ready to authenticate using the API token.

And finally, restart the server with the --api-token-id option.

--api_token_id <SYMMETRIC_KEY_ID>

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