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Configuration file

By default, the server expects to find:

  • a TOML configuration file in /etc/cosmian/findex_server.toml.
  • or an environment variable COSMIAN_FINDEX_SERVER_CONF that contains the path to the configuration file.
  • otherwise, the server will parse the arguments passed in command line.

Example without authentication

default_username = "admin"
force_default_username = false

database_type = "Redis"
database_url = "redis://localhost:6379"
clear_database = false

port = 6668
hostname = ""


Example with X509 authentication

default_username = "admin"
force_default_username = false

database_type = "Redis"
database_url = "redis://localhost:6379"
clear_database = true

port = 6660
hostname = ""
https_p12_file = "/etc/cosmian/certificates/server/"
https_p12_password = "password"
authority_cert_file = "/etc/cosmian/certificates/server/ca.crt"


Example with OpenID authentication

default_username = "admin"
force_default_username = false

database_type = "Redis"
database_url = "redis://localhost:6379"
clear_database = false

port = 6668
hostname = ""

jwt_issuer_uri = "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI...ydoDOsmYhWTEgf5w"

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